Contacts: If you are trying to find other PGC WWII veterans who served with you or your family member, or any other type of inquires, we can post them on the website for other visitors to see. We are starting a new page specifically for listing this type of information.
Stories to Share: Any PGCVO WWII veteran or family member wishing to share their personal experience(s) while serving in Iran with the PGC and wanting their story posted on our website, may do so by submitting the story by EMAIL. Pictures are welcome but are limited to 3 per story. Pictures need to be captioned, if possible. Please note that these stories will not be used anywhere other than on our website.
Please follow the instructions below when submitting your "contact" and/or "story" emails:
1. In the "subject line" please type either "CONTACT" or "STORY"
2. Use of personal information (name/address/phone/email, etc) is at writier's 
3. Limit 3 pictures per story (captioned, if possible), sent as attachements
4. By submitting this email and its contents, you authorize usage of this
contact/story on the PGCVO website only.